
Abandoned Sanatorium in Budapest.

For anyone wondering what building this is and the history behind it:

This is the Preisich Szanatórium in Zugliget, Budapest. It was opened as a sanitorium for children with tuberculosis and asthma in 1928 by the Jewish medical doctor Kornél Preisich. He was forced to leave Hungary during WW2. The building was taken by the state from the start of WW2 until 1958 when it opened as a medical clinic again, this time as a general rehabilitation center treating people who had recovered from sickness but acquired psychological trauma or ill-health during their sickness.

As I understand it changed ownership during the 70ties but was still primarily a rehabilitation center for less severe psychological ailments. In 1994 the building was nationalized and became a department for the Hungarian Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology (in Hungarian the OPNI or ORSZÁGOS PSZICHIÁTRIAI ÉS NEUROLÓGIAI INTÉZET) where they still treated psychological ailments. Sadly HIPN (OPNI) was permanently abolished in 2007 after serious economic problems. The Preisich Sanitorium was closed in 2009 after the last patients were moved to another rehabilitation center or deemed free of their ailments. The building has been abandoned ever since.

Here is a picture of when the sanitorium was in operation during the late 30ies.

Here is some footage from inside the building.

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