
Postojna Cave. The most visited cave in Europe

Postojna Cave
The most visited tourist cave in Europe is a place where the proteus or olm offspring are once again hatching. The cave railway has been operating at the cave for 140 years. Predjama Castle is located close to Postojna Cave and is the largest cave castle in the world.

Postojna Cave is the only karst cave with a railway, which was built more than 140 years ago. The unique tourist train will take you to the underground network of karst corridors, galleries and halls. During an hour-and-a-half-long guided tour, you will learn about all of the most important karst features: the largest, 16-metre-high stalagmite known as the Skyscraper, the crystal white symbol of Postojna Cave – the Brilliant, the oldest underground post office in the world and the most famous underground animal – the olm or the human fish.

Thus far, more than 38 million visitors from all over the world have seen Postojna Cave. They began their visit at the departure platform of the unique cave railway. A 5-kilometre subterranean trail is available for tourist visits. The train has also been adapted for disabled access.

It was believed that a dragon lived in Postojna Cave, and that the human fish are its offspring. The only European underground vertebrate and the largest underground predator can live for up to 100 years and can survive more than eight years without food. More than 150 animal species live in the karst caves of Slovenia, the olm or the human fish (Proteus anguinus) being the largest. Postojna Cave is the most biologically diverse cave in the world. One of its corridors features a vivarium, where you can learn about incredible cave animals and their stories. Standing out among them is the historic event in 2016, when people could witness “dragon” hatchlings coming out of olm eggs for the first time in the 200 years the cave has been open to tourists.

In May 2016, the first observed hatching of the human fish took place in Postojna Cave. For the first time in the 200-year history of the cave, people could observe these incredible creatures hatch and develop.

The cave :

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